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Welcome to the Logging In guide. In order to gain access to the Domestic Client Portal someone at Freight Innovations must have already added you as a user under your specific account/company. They will send your login details via email. If you need a password reset for any reason please contact us.

Do you have login details for the Domestic Client Portal?

Log In Process

Step 1: Navigate To The Domestic Portal Login Page

There are 2 ways to access the Domestic Client Portal.

Step 2: Enter Your Username And Password

Freight Innovations will provide you with a username and password before you log in for the first time. Enter these credentials and click Login.

TIP: Contact Freight Innovations if you forget your password or want to change it for any reason. All passwords are strictly managed in the backend by the accounts department.

Request Access

You may need your company to be added as an account holder within the Freight Innovations framework before we grant you access to the Domestic Client Portal. If your company is already an account holder with us, then it is just a case of adding a new portal user. Either way, someone in the User Support team will assist you;

Check If I Am A User

If you are unsure as to whether you are a user on the Domestic Client Portal or not, please email the User Support team;

Request A New Password

If you are experiencing the below error message when attempting to log in, the quickest way to resolve the issue is to contact the User Support team;